Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog Post Ideas for 2/11

Blog Project 1

You have read Paulo Freire's "The Importance of the Act of Reading" and Peggy McIntosh's "White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack," and you have watched "Brazil in Black and White." Each of these suggests that many of the advantages that allow many of us to pursue an education, career opportunities, and so on, and which we see as natural elements of a meritocracy are in fact bestowed on us, not through our merits, but through our membership in particular exclusive groups.

The McIntosh piece and the film both point to race as one of these "invisible knapsacks." What others do you see and what evidence do you see of the existence of these knapsacks? How do these give privilege? What parts of this knapsack should be rights for all and which should we try to abolish as oppressive?

Blog Project 2

Having just experience two substantial snow events back to back, we have all probably been watching a lot of weather lately. So, find one or two news stories, news advertisements, or other weather related media and perform a rhetorical analysis on it. What are the ad's explicit and implicit messages? How do the news outlets you are looking at talk about weather and why do you think they talk in these ways? Did your example attempt to name the weather phenomenon? If so, what effect did this have?

In short, what arguments do these supposedly objective news stories make?

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